---For the past 5 years, we have always made efforts to test fabrics for staining that we use for Smart Doll apparel. If there is a risk of staining, we advice potential buyers about the risks.
We also have chosen a formula for our vinyl that makes it less susceptible (but not invincible) to staining when compared to other vinyl products on the market.
In many cases we had to drop development for some apparel items that relied on particular fabrics that had caused staining. But this has been limiting our ability to create decent looking weathered tops like this Henley Camisole which looks (if I may say so myself) just rather spiffing.
To create this Henley Camisole, we need to use a method called Pigment Dyeing. After dyeing, we wash the garment (we also add a softer) to get rid of as much pigment as possible and then add some color fixing agent - but it still stains. Have a look at the attached photos - you can see the extent of the staining after 8 weeks of wearing. In our case Mr Color thinner removed pretty much all of the pigment however but I cant guarantee the same for you.
I like the look and feel of this garment so much that my girls have been wearing it for a while but rather than cancel this project (like we would have done before), I decided to release this product with a warning - while we have stain prevention leggings and shorts, we don’t have stain prevention tops which means you will have to use other stain preventive measures like using it with a Cortex Body, a spare body/bust that you don’t mind getting stains on, or not leaving it on for prolonged periods.
“How long is prolonged periods?” is difficult to answer because I had the Henley Camisole on a milk body for a few weeks with no trace of staining but found staining on a doll that I took out n about - handling the doll putting pressure on the garment seems to have caused the staining.
We do not provide warranty for such items that cause staining - take heed of the warnings before deciding to buy. We have introduced a new warning sticker on the packaging too. We will start to put this sticker on products that have some risk of staining and make sure that the product detail page has warnings too.
Another important thing to mention is that while Cortex has high resilience against staining - its not invincible. If you are using any of our garments on it that stain then you should be able to remove the stains with some thinner.
We will still continue to do fabric staining tests for all our apparel and where possible avoid ones that stain - but in cases like this Henley Camisole (which looks awesome!) I will make sure staining is reduced as much as possible and release a warning with it.
The Henley Camisole fits up to M Smooth comfortably - may fit L busts but I have not tried it yet.
Do note that this is a weathered item - no two are the same meaning that some may be more faded than others and include holes, loose threads and wot not - avoid if this is not your thing.|---スマートドール立ち上げ当初からアパレルで使う生地の色移りテストをずっと行ってきました。ジーパンの場合は商品詳細ページに警告を載せ、色移り防止のレギンズなどで対策を取ってもらっていました。